WREN Activities/Projects
Partner with us to cultivate regional programming for the 2025-27 biennium.

The WREN Activities Interest Form officially closed at 11:59 on February 17, 2025. The WREN Team is currently reviewing forms that came in prior to the deadline. If you submit after the February 17th deadline, your interest form might be considered in a later review and/or if there is funding remaining after the first review. Selected projects will be notified in early to mid-April. For questions, reach out to wren@lesd.k12.or.us. Thank you for your interest in participating with the WREN!
Go to bit.ly/wrenpl2 for background about this new funding allocation process.
Approx. $1.0-$1.5 million to allocate to activities across five categories:
Culture and Climate
Early Career Support
Equity-Centered Professional Learning
Inclusive Instructional Practices
Networks of Support
Information you’ll need for the Interest Form:
Who’s involved – district(s), schools, staff, community partners, etc.
Connection to state or district initiatives, WREN Problems of Practice, and Activity Categories
Objectives over the 2025-27 biennium and beyond
Anticipated costs (extra duty pay, subs, materials, etc.)
Other support needs (coaching, training, etc.)
If you're looking for inspiration or just curious what others are doing for the rest of this biennium, visit the Change Project Gallery.
You can also learn more about the continuous improvement process that guides this work.
Professional Learning
Many educators agree equity is important in our school systems, though they don't always know how to best work towards it in their classrooms. Through WREN-sponsored PD, educators can learn strategies to promote equity in schools and make sure each student is prepared to reach their potential.
Sharing the Learning
After attending our PD events, participants often wonder how to get their colleagues or building staff involved in the learning as well. Here are some suggestions and strategies:
Encourage your colleagues to subscribe to our newsletter so they can stay up to date about our offerings.
Try to attend an opportunity with others in your building or district so you can collaborate on how to implement the learning in your environment.
Tell your administrator about the growth and success you've experienced by participating in WREN PD.
Talk to your administrator about privately contracting with our PD providers so they can bring the learning to your school or district. Contact us if you would like us to make a virtual introduction with one of the providers.
Affinity Spaces & Communities of Practice
A key driver in our theory of change is to provide regional opportunities for educators of color to connect with each other and work toward building and strengthening systems of support. There are a number of opportunities listed below that you can be part of, but if you're also interested in developing an affinity space (AS) or community of practice (CoP) for your own context, you can request coaching support, which will follow a specific implementation and coaching model we've found to be successful.
Affinity Spaces
Teachers of Color Unite!
Creating a community of care, connection, and collaboration for teachers of color in the WREN region. See the latest WREN newsletters for meeting dates and times.
Communities of Practice
ELD Community of Practice
Connect with other English Language Development educators in Lane, Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties. To join, contact Jennifer Ashcraft at
Regional Mentoring Community of Practice
Contact Cindy Drouhard at cindy.drouhard@lblesd.k12.or.us OR Tami DuFault-Toomb at tami.dufault-toomb@lblesd.k12.or.us