Collaborating with
Powerful Partners
Powerful Partners are programs and organizations helping us reach our objective of increasing the number of educators of color in the region, by creating more equitable and inclusive school cultures.

Education Service District
The Strategic Partnerships Department at Linn-Benton-Lincoln ESD provides school and systems improvement strategy support through partnerships that facilitate ongoing learning, providing assistance with the use of data and strategies integral to improvement science. As a hub of information from ODE and other educational and mental health organizations, they communicate the latest information in regards to curriculum, initiatives and grants, professional development, and opportunities to work with other educators and service providers.

Lane Education Service District
Lane ESD's services are developed in collaboration with Lane County's 16 school districts. The services focus on four primary areas – services for students with special needs, school improvement, technology support, and administrative services. Lane ESD also oversees a number of federal and state grants.

Lane Regional Teacher Pathways
The Lane Regional Teacher (LRT) Pathways Program is a collaborative partnership between Lane Education Service District, Springfield Public School District, Eugene School District 4J and Bethel School District; the University of Oregon; Pacific University; Bushnell University; and Lane Community College, funded in partnership with the Educator Advancement Council. These eight organizations work together to transform teacher preparation by designing a program to support diverse candidate scholars. The LRT Pathways Program provides scholars with tuition scholarships ranging between $2,500 and $15,000 to attend Bushnell University, University of Oregon, Pacific University, or Lane Community College.

Oregon Research Schools Network
The Oregon Research Schools Network (ORSN) is an educational extension outreach unit of the University of Oregon that leans on the Agricultural Extension Model as a foundation for its work with educational service districts and school districts across Oregon. Their research-to-practice collaborations focus on helping partners increase improvement capacity and address problems of practice by transferring knowledge to the field. Their current work broadly encompasses trauma-informed school initiatives and the training and support of educational assistants and other classified school staff.

Pacific University
School of Learning and Teaching
The Pacific University College of Education offers dynamic undergraduate and graduate teaching programs that prepare educators to transform the lives of students. They offer paths to initial teaching licensure, advanced degrees and endorsements for current teachers, and degrees for those passionate about expanding the field of education. They offer both full-time and part-time programs with on-line and face-to-face options.